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DEM3D Viewer

The Dem3d viewer allows us to view and move DEM files (.dem format) through a 3-dimensional perspective. This free downloadable software was provided by the footer image. USGS Mid-Continent Mapping Center (MCMC), but MCMC no longer provides support for this viewer.

The dem3d viewer runs on Windows platform. Click on the following links to download the desired version of Dem3d viewer.

Dem3d (Win NT or 2000)

Dem3d (Win 95)

Perspective 10-m DEM image of Crater Lake with water.

This is a perspective image created from screen captures of the delta3d program, not from Dem3d, followed with some editings in Paint Shop Pro.

Following are some screen captures from the Dem3d viewer. Click on image for larger image.

Perspective image of Crater Lake West view from the east.

Crater Lake West view from the east.

Perspective image of Crater Lake West view from the south.

Crater Lake West view from the south.

Perspective image of Crater Lake East view from the west.

Crater Lake East view from the west.

Perspective image of Crater Lake East view from the south.

Crater Lake East view from the south.