Image of a flying eagle on top of the North America map.

National Atlas of the United States

The footer image National Atlas of the United States of America is a collaborative work established in 1997 by the U.S. Geological Survey and its Atlas Partners. The National Atlas is designed to provide easy to use, map-like views of our natural and socio-cultural landscapes for a better understanding of the complex relationships between environments, places, and people.

The National Atlas maintains a database of a number of coverages that might be useful. The National Atlas files have a scale of 1 to 2 million, so they are less accurate then the 1:24,000 scale data available on the Digital Line Graph page. However two files are useful for a general overview of the area around Crater Lake National Park: Federal Lands and Counties. These two files are available for download below.

Image of the flying eagle over the North America map is acquired from footer image

Crater Lake color bar.

Data Download:

National Atlas map of Crater Lake.

Federal Lands (footer image Metadata) -- an ArcView shapefile of federal lands in Oregon (1:2,000,000 scale).

Counties (footer image Metadata) -- an ArcView shapefile of the counties in Oregon (1:2,000,000 scale).

Image acquired from footer image