Overview of Crater Lake's bathymetry.

Bathymetry Images

High resolution images are available for download in zip files. Each zip file contains the image in both TIFF and JPEG format. TIFF images are over 5 MB and JPEG images are under 1 MB in size at 300 dpi. These high resolution images are designed for publications or other professional use. They are probably too large to be useful for most people.

Views of the research vessel being airlifted into Crater Lake:
Thumbnail image of the boat lift. Thumbnail image of the touch down. Thumbnail image of the hanging boat. Thumbnail image of the docking station.
Boat lift Touch down Hanging boat Dock
boatlift.zip not available not available dock.zip


Oblique views of the landform features beneath the surface of Crater Lake:
Thumbnail image of Merriam Cone, Crater Lake. Thumbnail image of Chaski Landslide, Crater Lake. Thumbnail image of Phantom Ship, Crater Lake. Thumbnail image of Wizard Island, Crater Lake.
Merriam Cone Chaski Landslide Phantom Ship Wizard Island
merriam.zip chaskislide.zip phantom.zip wizard.zip


An overview of Crater Lake's bathymetry:
Thumbnail image of a colormap of Crater Lake. Thumbnail image of an overview of Crater Lake.
Colormap Overview
colormap.zip overview.zip